Your DACH leadership team is filling out as volunteers join in our efforts to find more democrats in Switzerland to join DA, register and vote in special elections. Most recently, Sarah Wiebenson, a Massachusetts registered voter recently moved to Zürich, stepped forward to take on the all-important role of Chair of the Membership and Voter Outreach Committee. Thank you Sarah !
Please scroll down for brief reminders of special elections and legislative activities, past and upcoming DACH events and updates on DACH committees and task forces
Every month our newsletter is emailed to our members, posted on our blog and on the DA website. Please think to « like » Democrats Abroad Switzerland on our Facebook page. It is an easy way to help us reach out to potential members. The more we grow, the more we will have a voice on Capitol Hill ! Our next newsletter is scheduled for August
We are always happy to hear from you and welcome your comments and suggestions.
Your DACH Chair,
Anne-Shelton Aaron
VOLUNTEERS -contributed by Emily T. Blitz
First of all, a big thank you to those volunteers that stepped up and made calls to DACH members who vote in Massachusetts. You all did an amazing job!
Another shout out to the volunteers who helped staff the table at the Expat Expo in Basel. Your engaging smiles helped us to sign up over 40 new members! Congratulations!
Upcoming volunteer opportunities ('cause we always need your help!!):
1 September Expat Expo Zurich: We're looking for a few good men and women who can work a crowd, promote DACH membership and activities and answer questions about being a Democrat Abroad. Morning or afternoon shifts available!
6 October Expat Expo Geneva: Same as above but one month later!!
Write today!
Massachusetts : Special Election June 25. This is it, the final push for Ed Markey to become the new Senator! To Volunteer or give: SupportMarkey. To join DACH GOTV effort for Massachussetts:contact Sarah Wiebenson.
New Jersey : interim appointment: Governor Chris Christie appoints Republican Jeff Chiesa Senator upon death of Democrat Frank Lautenberg. NBC News report on Chiesa.
Appeals Court vacancies : Obama's Nominees being obstructed as usual.
Student Loans : Senator Warren's Bill to lower student loan interest rates Warren's Statement. Petitions at : Move-On. BoldProgressives.
Gun Control : The President is planning to sign the UN gun control treaty.
Gay Marriage : Passed 4 states in 6 months (Maryland, Rhode Island, Delaware, and Minnesota),
while the Illinois House, with a Democratic Super-majority, did not call the bill for a vote due to religious opposition. IllinoisEnds Marriage Winning Streak.
Immigration Reform : is moving ahead. Policymicarticle. Update on LGBT -partner immigration.
Farm Bill : Again in Congress, this bill will affect food, environment, energy, labor, foreign trade and relations. Dozens of amendments are in play.To add your opinions, call your Senators at +1 (202) 224-3121. Organic Consumers Association on the Amendments.Sen. Stabenow : It's time to finish the bill.
Sexual Assault in the Military : Senate Hearing. Petition to Senate. Phonebankthe Senators.
Citizens United :Decision: Overturning it, State by State?
Tuesday, 25 june, 18:30pm:Two films on the subject of immigration at Cinélux, Geneva.
La Langue de Zahra by Fatima Sissani (Algeria, documentary, VO with French subtitles 93min, 2011):
Le Jour Viendra by Cicero Egli (Switzerland, fiction, VO with French subtitles, 28min, 2012):
(Entrance: Adult 16 CHF / Student reduction / Independent Cinema Pass 10 CHF)
Sponsored by: EXIL / DES EXILS ET VIE QUOTIDIENNE outils pour refonder la citoyenneté (Collège international de Philosophie, PARIS et UNIA, école syndicale). This event is not sponsored by DACH.
Saturday, 29 June, 3pm-9:15pm:Slugout in the Dugout
Batter batter batter! Softball season is back! The 4th Annual Democrats Abroad vs Republicans Abroad softball game is only a few short weeks away!
If you are interested in playing, please let us know! Ideally, we'll hold the teams to US citizens who are actually Democrats and Republicans, but everyone is welcome to come out and watch, enjoy the food, drinks, and excellent weather we expect to have, and the friendly rivalry. Whether player or spectator, you must sign up in advance, however, to get on the list.
RSVP hereto sign up and for address and directions to the Marine's house near Geneva (yes, this is where the US Marines live and they have a baseball field in front of their house!). Important: You and guests will be required to show photo ID at the gate.
Sunday, 1 September, 11am-5pm:Expat Expo Zürich
A great place to mix and mingle with other English-speaking ex-pats and learn about what’s available in the Zurich area.
On Friday, 31 May, DACH hosted three simultaneous call-ins (Geneva, Zürich and Winterthur) to Senate candidate Ed Markey of Massachusetts and helped Democrats Abroad surpass the financial fundraising goal.
On Sunday, 2 June, at the Basel ExPat Expo, DACH Excom members along with volunteers Judy Brown and Sarah Wiebenson from Zürich signed up over 40 potential new members of Democrats Abroad.
We are always looking for members to get involved so please get in touch with us if you are interested in joining one or more of the following committees or task forces. If you would like to spearhead one not shown here, we are open to all ideas supported by the democratic party!
U.S. Citizen’s Issues: Chair, Karen A. Monroe
By-Laws Task Force: Chair, Maya Samara
Events and Fundraising Committee: Contact, Nicole DeFeo
Issues Task Force:
- Energy and Fracking: Chair, Mark Pasquesi
- Environment and Healthy Food: Chair, Peter Butterfield
- LGBT: Chair, Emily T. Blitz
- Gun Control: Chair, Mark Pasquesi
- Immigration: Contact, Peter Butterfield
Membership and Voter Outreach Committee: Chair, Sarah Wiebenson
Volunteer Coordinating Committee: Chair, Emily T. Blitz
Social Media Committee: Contact, Anne-Shelton Aaron